
5d3 Meredeth Turshen edit
Meredeth Turshen, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy

5d3 Marc Weiner edit
Marc Weiner, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy

This working group explores the intersection(s) and interaction(s) of demography, national power relationships (such as colonialism and imperialism), and art/aesthetics. We will consider demographic regimes throughout time and around the world, analyze power relationships at national and international levels, and examine mutual influences through the lens of art/aesthetics. In an age of shifting demographics— – a worldwide trend to lower birth rates, a higher proportion of elderly living longer, and massive forced and voluntary migration— – the study of art/aesthetics through this lens is fundamental. We will interrogate the role of art, and the demographic implications of/for art, in revolution and social movements.